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Why use TopHire Group ?

Tired of promises from agencies who either ...

* Don't deliver as the positions too tough ?
* Sent you anyone and everyone who has the
key words in your job description ?

When TopHire Group works with a client, we view this as a partnership with the goal of providing a highly qualified candidate to fulfill the clients needs.

In order for this to be successful, we need a thorough understanding of the needs from both the company perspective, as well as the hiring manager.

Also, during the process feedback is critical to ensure we stay in sync

Once we have a clear understanding of both the company's needs as well as the hiring managers needs, we are able to begin our search for qualified candidates.

Every company, manager, and position is unique, which means there is no single resource which will work to identify candidates. In most cases we utilize more than one.

Some of these include, referrals from candidates/managers, google searches for papers/honorable mentions/guest speakers, alumni forums, users groups, blogs, and much more

Our responsibility is to take the clients needs, as well as the candidates needs into consideration, and create a mutually beneficial match. When this is done successfully, everyone wins. This might sound trivial, but its not.

-- To truly understand what a company does and the details of a job spec, you need to have someone who has been there and understands the technology.

-- When looking at a resume and talking to candidates, you need someone who understands what they have done and can communicate with them at their level.

The Client

The Candidate

TopHire Group

Remember there are 3 parties involved,
the Client, the Candidate, and TopHire Group.